Planning is a crucial step, and it’s the beginning of any event you are holding, whether a birthday party or your business is preparing for the next big step. Planning is very crucial. As said earlier, planning is one of the important steps in any marketing service. Therefore, it is important to understand how one should plan, measure, and then execute the marketing strategy for your business.

Though one might not be aware of certain crucial steps, one should follow them while planning the marketing strategy for their business.

  • Setting your goals right:

    Setting realistic goals that one could reach is very important over a span of time, maybe within months or years. Setting a duration to the goals you want to achieve will help you plan the activities that align with your goals and keep you on track. You can divide or categorize your goals into three: set the short-term goals you want to achieve within the span of 3-4 months, goals you want to achieve in the next 1year known as short term goals, and goals that have a longer duration of time.

    A good, realistic, and achievable goal won’t make your business feel unwanted pressure, and your staff or group will also be delighted to help you achieve these goals in a short period.

  • Conducting marketing audit and research:

    Making an audit of your past marketing activities will help you advance and stop repeating the mistakes and using plans that don’t fit your business well. Your marketing audit has to be very thorough as you need to be inclusive of all the programs you have added, which include announcements, seminars, and other activities.

    Conducting marketing research is another important part of planning a marketing strategy for your business. This is crucial as you will be able to get a real picture and your position in the real market. The carried out market research will help you understand the consumers’ expectations from your business. It will show exactly where your business is and even help in getting a solution for your business. Though this is a time-consuming process, it is still one of the most crucial steps in planning your marketing strategy.

  • Analyzing the research:

    Conducting research is not the end, but just a beginning. One must be able to process the raw data and transform it into meaningful findings that will help you plan your business marketing strategy, which you could align with your business goals. In case your goals do not align, you can make some modifications. Analyzing your market research data will also help you know about the competitors and your business’s scope in a niche. Research helps to answer questions that would help you explore your business by analyzing market research.

  • Knowing your target audience:

    With the analysis of the market research you have done, the next step is to identify your target audience. Knowing your target audience is very important as you would want or desire to target all the efforts you have been invested into marketing to the right people.

    But one thing that should be noted is you don’t want to attract people who would like to buy but also interest other people outside your niche to make your next potential customer. Through the data, you can know about the different categories of people interested in your business as per age, gender, and location. You can also help other people and influence them to get to know their business.

  • Keep a budget:

    Examining your financial information will benefit you in the long run if the desired marketing strategy is in agreement with your business’s financial information. Though there isn’t any specific standard amount you need to spend, it all depends on businesses and their needs. For example, as a new business, the initial marketing budget you might feel is a bit expensive as you might have to prepare a logo and other collateral pieces.

    Instead, your marketing budget should focus on making more connections and building networks with your audience and with people in your niche. The average range businesses tend to spend for their marketing budget from the gross income is about 3% to 5%, and for a new business, it can go up to 10% or more in some cases.

After you have planned your business marketing strategy, the next step is to execute the planned marketing strategy properly. Real success is when you are able to execute exactly what you have planned. There are many examples of businesses that cannot execute their plans well or commit to the desired strategy. Execution can be said as what you desire to do and bring that desire to reality.

Good execution is only possible when you can incorporate all your business plans, which leads to the outcome you are looking for. Breaking things and tasks into smaller groups and activities will help you and your team not feel overwhelmed by too much to do. Certain tools will help you become more productive.

  • Blocking time in your calendar to help you work efficiently on marketing projects: Time is money; someone has rightly said that, making time your best friend, book time wherever you feel it’s important to do something like working on a project you have been assigned.
  • Engaging with an accountability partner: While working alone can put a load on you, sometimes it is best to hire or have someone who can be accountable and manage your business marketing.
  • Planning a day before: Knowing what you want to get done one night before will help you stay focused and get you to do things as planned.

The execution of the desired plan does not just end here. There are a lot many other things you might need to do, which include tracking and monitoring the progress of the current marketing strategy. Certain tips that help you track your business progress include keywords. Digital makes tracking your progress in marketing simple, and it’s easy.

Certain things you should look or track for knowing your businesses lead are as follows:

  • Keyword ranking:

    Keywords are important as the users can get results quickly. Keyword ranking is very important, and many online suites help you generate keywords with respect to desired topics. Using the right and appropriate keywords will help you boost the business visibility, and the brands are recognized and viewed by the people.

  • Website traffic:

    Using insights available from Google will help you track the website traffic. These data collected will help you know where you should focus and which product you should have invested more in through ads and through Google ads.

Measuring your business marketing is one of the best ways to know whether something is working or not. One can take continuous customer feedback, know their views, and ask them suggestions. One can drive a short period of their marketing plans and see how it works for their business. Certain ways can help you determine or measure your business goals. The key performance indicators KPIs have different subclasses and are one of the most effective ways one can use to measure marketing strategy effectiveness.

If your business is just in its starting phase, it’s best to look at or measure website traffic and how many visitors you were able to convert to leads. These are some of the best ways of converting leads to customers and a good way to tell that your marketing strategy is effective. The return on investment is another better way of measuring because it helps a business in telling how much return they were able to make through the campaign they had hosted.


Marketing is a cycle that is a continuous process, and there is no end to it. The results take a lot of time to give you results. Just because you are not able to see results initially that does not indicate your business is not able to perform, one has to be patient and have an attitude to not give up easily. Every activity you have planned executed has certain consequences in the future and is influenced by your past experience.

A successful business is achieved after many downsides, and one has to know the virtue of patience and persistence, which is a key mindset that needs to be maintained. The planning process can be a long process and needs to be done carefully, and no two businesses can follow the same marketing strategy. At times, every product a business decides to market has a different target audience.

Hence, it is important to know the specific industry and the scope of your business in that industry. Carrying out market research will help you know and tackle the problems you have failed in the past while deriving a business marketing strategy for your business. Hiring a business marketing agency will help your business to properly plan and execute as well as to measure your business success. Saratechs is a digital marketing agency that help businesses to carry out and achieve marketing goals,